Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Brief Continuation

De-constructing a belief with the intention to build it back up makes sense to me. If the questions being asked are asked with the honest intention to rebuild upon a stronger foundation, why not question? It would be naive of me not to question, or have questioned Christian foundations...who would I be if I haven't? But, the purpose of this breakdown, separation and search is to build a stronger foundation on what is knowable. There are certain mysteries of the Bible that are unknown, and cannot be certain. However, the character of God and the purpose of Jesus are crystal clear. No mystery. What saddens me, is the individual who's purpose in questioning is to deconstruct a faith they once lived, so they are not held accountable to their sin. Thus they build their own foundation on the unknown mysteries of the Bible and have disproved Biblical foundations altogether. Bits and pieces of Biblical principles will be their focus, along with bits and pieces of eastern principles etc.

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