Tuesday, October 9, 2007

First Year Done...Today!

It's official, in the record books, taken care of, been there done that...I've completed my one year of service to my current employer. This Corporate America thing didn't seem so difficult to navigate at first, and to be honest, it's nothing more than a large expanse to cross. I don't feel like I'm anywhere closer to the goals I had a year ago, the sales cycle here just takes too damn long. Highlights of my first year:
  • Promotion and transfer to CA from Mn in the first four months of service (with a promise of a substantial increase in pay) *yet to be determined*
  • Travel experience within the second month of relocating (Chicago, New York, Houston, Minnesota)
  • Company phone, personal computer, leather chair, paid time off
  • Given the responsibility of project manager for International accounts
I'm still lamenting the fact I live in Orange County and constantly re-evaluate my current state of existence, but it's something we all go through (minus the OC thing). I was told the other day by a sibling of mine, while I was expressing my intention or thoughts of moving to the East Coast, "y'know, you should probably be thinking about settling down somewhere." "Settling down", what a thought. I really wonder if that's in the cards for me anytime soon. I'm pretty sure I've decided to create a life around me which promotes an environment rich for movement. I have a "leave at a moments notice" mentality. A quote from The Saint (the movie) "a traveler in search of purity" comes to mind (minus the purity). Yet I see the domestication of my college friends, their children, their flatware, bath towels and see the future. It looks interesting and comfortable, but I know I still have some "single life" things to take care of before I create an environment rich for "settling down." I'll be frank though, I really don't think I'll ever create that environment until I see a reason to do such. Maybe when I start losing my hair I'll think about it.

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