Monday, May 19, 2008

Culver City Thoughts

I've had a difficult time sleeping these days, so, I've found retreat in watching t.v. late into the evening. It struck me just tonight, right now as I finished viewing my third sports center re-run and switched to VH1...they were playing videos! Can you believe it?! I mean, every time I run through the channels, VH1 or MTV are playing some sort of "public awareness biography" of some sort. I just saw the new R.E.M video and was pleased to see some sort of artistic effort on the part of "main stream" bands displayed as they should, on t.v.
I don't know about you, but, I think we are seeing the decay of videos on t.v. MTV and VH1 found their niche in videos, but have become more of a cultural reflection on what they find pop/modern culture. No, wait, they are attempting to create pop/modern culture and pump it out all day every day. Videos. That's what I want to see. Bands who spend money to play on these damn stations. I don't need help in molding my "cultural opinion" I have Fox News for that.
I'm done with football players justifying their reasons for being on "Dancing with the Stars" and saying they would "rather be known as an actor than a football player". I wonder if O.J. Simpson were interviewed and asked "what would you like to be remembered for...your football career, or acting?" if he would have said "well, I'm planning on killing my wife and her friend later on and like to be remembered for being an un-convicted killer". Do you think ESPN would run that?
All I know is:
The Celtics advanced.
I gained 6.5 points in Fantasy Baseball today (#1 in points today) and finally know what I'm doing.
I missed a call from KCS and am planning on picking up $ tomorrow if that's cool.
My sister is LOVED by her puppies and I am the best Uncle they have!
I need some advice on buying shorts, considering the only pair I have are Abercrombie & Fitch Camo. Cargos.
Gas is outrageous.
Los Angeles is burning hot.
Stella Artois tastes tasty when it's chilly
I'm in a virtual slump and need to overcome it before it becomes reality.
I need to buy a computer, or steal one from a friend so I can be creative on my photo stuff.
Brandy and Whiskey don't taste good to me straight.
I like living in a clean environment and need to figure out how to make enough money in the next 10 years so I can do that.
I'm excited about starting...your choice...we'll see if you're right.

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