Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bedtime Stories

At what point do we stop listening to bedtime stories?
I was at my sister's house on monday night and sat in on the nightly bedtime story. My 6 year old nephew was playing around with his teenage mutant ninja turtle toy from Mcdonald's and my 4 year old niece was pointing out the pictures in the book. Now, I've read bedtime stories to these two kids before, and I never noticed the way they pay attention to the actual story. I think I used to just drift off into space when a story was being read to me, it was more of an excuse to stay up late. My nephew is asking "what's this word?" and "how do you say this word?" and he's only asking about one or two words that don't make sense in the spelling to a 6 year old, the kind of words one cannot sound out...
...I guess I still like bedtime stories. I read before I go to bed most of the time, but I guess it would be nice to sit back and listen to a story being read every once in a while. Just a thought.

1 comment:

Carleen said...

I like that thought. I sometimes think that them wanting to read books is a stall tactic but I find that they are actually listening. I read always before bed too but I would love to listen to a story from time to time!