Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Good Morning...No Shoot Today.

I had a photo shoot to assist for today, but sadly, it was canceled...I figure it's a good thing, now I can take some time, bust out a load of e-mails and make some long overdue contacts. Idle hands make for idle results (is there such a thing as "idle results"?).
I'm sorry, my blog has been really boring me lately. I need to get back to the basics, write some things worth writing and reading. Oh! one other thing. I'm going to game 5 of the Western Conference Finals tomorrow to see Kobe put the smack down on Duncan...I hate the Spurs.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

one day at a time

I'm done dog sitting, well, I was actually done dog sitting mid last week. I'm about to head to the mountains for the afternoon and can't wait for the motion sickness to set in. Sunday BBQ's rock.
I have phone calls to make. I need to update my peeps. I've determined it's not Mr. X but something a tad worse than I expected.
Have a nice day and come again.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Culver City Thoughts II

So, I've been awake all night. It's early, yet I cannot find sleep. I've decided I'm a vampire. I'm not a blood sucking type, I'm just the type that lives their life in the evening. I feel for those who have children and must attend to them during the humanly hours of sleep...I do not have a child, but if I had a child, I don't think I could deal with the crying and attention needed to force them into slumber, for I am one who cannot force myself to slumber. I've never had this issue. Sleep has never been a battle to fight.
There is more to this than the fact I don't have a regular schedule. I think it has to do with life decisions, conversations had or not had or conversation I cannot have. I replay, play or anticipate conversations in my head when it gets quiet at night, and that keeps me awake. I tell myself to count sheep or repeat something southing, but no go. So, I type, I type frustrated and tired, feeling there is no end to this. I've had this ailment off and on for a few months now, and I'm done with it. I thought once I moved into my new apartment, I would have some relief, I suppose there are those who feel the problems they face daily will be solved with little antidotes of sorts, perhaps a child to keep a marriage together or gum to help them stop, the apartment and change of scenery. I had a friend the other day tell me to just take a walk, so I took the advice and walked my sisters dogs three time yesterday, yet, I still remained awake, not able to sleep. My life expectancy is depleting by the hour.
The puppies are taken care of, they're sleeping soundly, so maybe I'm doing something right, but, I need my sleep, I need rest. Is there a way to take a vacation from ones self for 5 hours that doesn't involved drugs? My mind races when night comes and is completely fine when the sun rises. Lord knows I'm in transition, but damn, it's tough to fall asleep.

Culver City Thoughts

I've had a difficult time sleeping these days, so, I've found retreat in watching t.v. late into the evening. It struck me just tonight, right now as I finished viewing my third sports center re-run and switched to VH1...they were playing videos! Can you believe it?! I mean, every time I run through the channels, VH1 or MTV are playing some sort of "public awareness biography" of some sort. I just saw the new R.E.M video and was pleased to see some sort of artistic effort on the part of "main stream" bands displayed as they should, on t.v.
I don't know about you, but, I think we are seeing the decay of videos on t.v. MTV and VH1 found their niche in videos, but have become more of a cultural reflection on what they find pop/modern culture. No, wait, they are attempting to create pop/modern culture and pump it out all day every day. Videos. That's what I want to see. Bands who spend money to play on these damn stations. I don't need help in molding my "cultural opinion" I have Fox News for that.
I'm done with football players justifying their reasons for being on "Dancing with the Stars" and saying they would "rather be known as an actor than a football player". I wonder if O.J. Simpson were interviewed and asked "what would you like to be remembered for...your football career, or acting?" if he would have said "well, I'm planning on killing my wife and her friend later on and like to be remembered for being an un-convicted killer". Do you think ESPN would run that?
All I know is:
The Celtics advanced.
I gained 6.5 points in Fantasy Baseball today (#1 in points today) and finally know what I'm doing.
I missed a call from KCS and am planning on picking up $ tomorrow if that's cool.
My sister is LOVED by her puppies and I am the best Uncle they have!
I need some advice on buying shorts, considering the only pair I have are Abercrombie & Fitch Camo. Cargos.
Gas is outrageous.
Los Angeles is burning hot.
Stella Artois tastes tasty when it's chilly
I'm in a virtual slump and need to overcome it before it becomes reality.
I need to buy a computer, or steal one from a friend so I can be creative on my photo stuff.
Brandy and Whiskey don't taste good to me straight.
I like living in a clean environment and need to figure out how to make enough money in the next 10 years so I can do that.
I'm excited about starting...your choice...we'll see if you're right.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I just wanted to post this picture...I thought it was neato.
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bed, Island Green, Greenery

So, I have a bed. I am no longer sleeping on an air mattress. I loved the air mattress, it was a kind friend, always keeping me in check when in out in the Orange County nightlife. It was reliable, large, comfortable and sufficiently mobile. In fact, tomorrow, I'm going to take my air mattress, place it in my car, and take it to Xanadu. I don't have to call on any favors to borrow a truck or rent a U-HaulTM. to move my mattress. I like my new bed. My new bed is about the same size as the air mattress, but more difficult to move if I ever wished to do so.

I'm decorating my bedroom, and can't wait to paint. I've got a color picked out: Kelsey Island Green, it's a really nice/light/subtle green...I'm still looking for the accent color, I'm looking for something that will help me sleep (I've been having trouble with that lately). I'm planning on making my own curtains too. If anyone has any tips on sewing let me know.

I've been eating a lot of vegetables lately and feel hungry. I've been buying and cooking Organic stuff, soups mostly. My sister says when your body begins to digest pure greenery, it has different reactions...I guess mine is hunger...hunger for steak, ground beef and pork. I'm just trying to add variety in my cooking and eating. Digestion time for Steak: 4-6 hours, digestion time for Veggies: 2-3 hours. I'm usually a 1-2 meal a day guy, if I wanna keep eating the greens, I'll have to eat more. Well, that's all. My last post was boring.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


It's about time

It's official. I'm moving to Los Angeles. I had an Easter encounter which lead to random friendships and connections galore. I'll be living in Xanadu...and yes...Xanadu, like the movie.
My journey continues with a new turning point, an epiphany of sorts. I know what I'm meant to do, and I'm going to pursue the hell out of it. Wish me luck, it'll be a long road, but one I actually want to travel. If I call you, answer the damn phone...I'm calling for a good reason.