Friday, April 6, 2007

The Opposite of Bad

building something from the ground up is never an easy task. building something from the ground up with a rough idea of what you want it to look like in the end doesn't get any easier. right now I am working with 5 people to build, design, establish a department. we know what it's going to look like in the end, but the process in getting it there is educational.

I work for a major software company and am assisting in the launch of a semi-new service we will be providing our customers. the detail involved is overwhelming, and at times frustrating. I really can't speak too much about it, I've only been in this position 5 days now. what I do know for a fact, is I will be travelling a ton. probably will head to Europe and Mexico too.

when I was "home", without a job, no money and no car, I almost didn't take this opportunity. I think I was looking at doing banking or something, maybe loans? I don't know, it was all very unclear. while I was kicking and screaming, talking smack to God, asking questions of why, I was never given an answer as to "why". God never answers questions of why until you decide the why doesn't really matter anymore. it's probably that way as a parent, you can answer the question of why to your child, but it will never satisfy because there is always another why question immediately after you answer. I think at one point I was an annoying child throwing a "why" out there too many times, and I never even heard the answer. right now, I think I might be in the right place for that answer to fully develop.

I don't even think the answers in the end will even apply to a "why" question. maybe more of a "how" question.

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