Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So, I spent my weekend away...away from stress, away from rest, away from soberness, away from my lady, away from harsh realities...I spent my weekend away. "The Silver Lake Experience" as I like to call it, was an unexpected gift. 3am...with talk of women, wine, children and all the wonderment of life.

It is not often a man, such as myself, who spends every moment alone with thoughts of himself has a moment with thoughts not of himself. This weekend, I had a many a moment with thoughts of someone else, a someone else coughing and sickly; a someone else who should not be coughing and sickly by their lonesome. I decided to remedy that Sunday night. I cannot remember a time when I've said "hey, baby...how about we get some dinner, rent a couple romantic comedies and cuddle on the couch." yeah...romantic comedies...I was at that point. Movies of choice: Licensed to Marry and The Holiday. Whoa! Yes! Very very good...splendid I would say. It is amazing what a RC can do to settle a cough.

So now, I am back to my harsh realities. My dreams are not of bears in a mystical forest, they are of documents, reports, W2 forms, car registration, interviews, love, worry like water slipping through my fingers. I'm buying my time, and it is expensive. I have my friends, I have a someone else...I have desires, I have hope, I have ambition, I have lost a need for pride to be apparent.